
The bottom line is this: the "hands up don't shoot" narrative is a lie. The grand jury testimony made that clear. So for Tarantino to continue to spew that lie is disgraceful no matter what his intentions were. Of course THAT part of the story was ignored by A.V, club. Great reporting. That is why the police are

Are you guys insane? Here is the complete list of skipable Beatles songs:

In addition to being semi-obsessed with Mad Men since before the night of the premiere, I am the co-founder of a social media site called Moptwo. We do for articles what the other guys do for status updates and pictures. We have active tagging and LOTS of Mad Men content including this article. Please check it out

The hypocrisy of articles like this never ceases to amaze me. If anyone ranted about non "straight white" comics the way the author rants about "straight white male" comics, it would (rightfully) be considered racist, sexist, homophobic etc. Either obsessing over race is wrong for EVERYONE or it isn't. It doesn't even