Jake Anthony

yeah you just don't get him. Whatever.


I just re-watched the episode last night and almost cried a few times. I love it when a TV show really makes you FEEEEEEEEEEEEL.

I read somewhere that they made him wear two pairs of underwear to keep his magnificent junk from swinging to-and-fro as much

It's Miracle- look at the people camping out for weeks simply to VISIT. Why wouldn't a duplex-style rental cost that much? The world is weird, now.

They explicitly state in episode 1 that that was the first house John has burned down. It has to be the one. Which is also what set in motion the events that led to the Garvey's moving in next to the Murphy's. It all happened for a reason.

They literally say that was the first house he's burned down in episode 1. It's the same house.

The house he burned down in episode one was the rental they secured - remember when John asked that guy if he had it up to code so he could rent it?

you are not alone. Incredible show.

I did like the alternate geologist-wolfman-alien scene better than the theatrical, too. In fact, every single one of the deleted scenes were pretty integral to understanding the movie better. People who hate on Prometheus simply just don't get it, or don't care, or both. I loved it.

TO ALL: this show is not about the people who left in the departure. It's about the people that were left behind, aka……. THE LEFTOVERS. It's not a sci-fi mystery that needs to be wrapped up all nice and tidy by the end, because it has literally never been about the "why" of the departure. It's a character driven drama

I still fall for that everytime. They need to release all the seasons after AUPS-1 on DVD dammit

I like the atmosphere and tone of the show, but there's one thing that's killing it for me, and it's not even how annoying some of the characters are….. it's their damn reactions… or should I say LACK OF reaction! When Madison sees the principle start attacking that kid- no screams? No "holy SH** OMFG!"?? No "GET THE

or Bangers & Mash…. or Go Slowly…… or 4 Minute Warning…… shit the whole second disc is it's own brilliant album