
Prostitutes can be raped but Chloe Goins was not raped and the Los Angeles County District Attorney made very clear that nothing the liar Chloe Goins stated to police was backed up.

It appears the piece of crap is Chloe Goins as the Los Angeles District Attorney ( a woman mind you) said that her story doesn't line up.

I fully stand by my original premise.

So accept and embrace "the law" of Cosby being a never arrested, never charged, never convicted, and yes free and innocent man because that is the law.

Not weird. OJ, BLOOD in vehicle.

OJ's jury got it wrong and we all know he killed his ex-wife. He even wrote a book subtly admitting to it when he wrote "What if I killed her or something like that.

I can agree with that. However, we don't live in a gestapo society wherein we just lock people up based on allegations.

Do us all a favor and don't attempt to spam the site with garbage and statistics that are irrelevant.

There was a time when Millions thought the Earth was flat, thousands did
not believe humans had gone to the moon, hundreds thought Jim Jones was
the messiah, and a jury of 12 got it wrong on Casey Anthony.

A little surprised E.T. beat out Empire Strikes Back but they were both great movies.