Your Mom

Isn't it cute when readers pose as noobs to make themselves look like prophets?

Did they not meet Coldhands at the Nightfort and he led them through the passage to the North side of the wall?

Who was leading the slave revolt and possessed rudimentary understanding of the Common Tongue?

Ever think itight have been young Barack aka Grey Worm who wrote it?

I think they intended to elicit this type of reaction and it looks like they did a good job of it.

The books pretty much implied this is what happens so I wasn't surprised. I'm curious about the development of baby Others though. Do they grow up at the same rate as humans. Are they educated/trained as they grow? How long umtil that baby is able to fight? Is he going to hit puberty and become rebellious?

Maybe Grey Worm wrote it in the Common Tongue because he knew the Masters could read it and it would be more shocking to realize the power of the risen slaves. Best reasoning I could come up with.

That's right - the battle starts almost as soon as he gets back to the wall

which of the 7 pages out of 5000+ won you over for Team Coldhands?

wow it takes a lot of guts to be a child rape apologist!

In the books Margaery is about 16 at that time and Tommen is 8? 10? He's obviously older than that in the show, but she's still supposed to be about 16, no? I don't think it would be child molestation as much as the manifestation of masturbatory fantasy

I guess Rickon and Sansa are the most exciting Starks left in the story!?

I think they will find each other because Locke is following JS with the intent that he'll lead him to Bran and Rickon. They'll kill Locke, and there will be a big teary scene where Bran staunchly refuses to return to the wall because he has 'something he needs to do'.