David Roche

I can accept that. There's enough about the show that I enjoy, that I'm willing to put up with it, but perhaps the level of pretentiousness is in the eye of the beholder. The kind of pretentious nonsense that always annoys me is best seen when Kevin is reading the bible quote, and oh, boo hoo, it moves him to

I felt exactly the same. I can enjoy pretentiousness in many areas of art, but this show hasn't quite earned the right, I don't think…I'll be around for season 2, but I'm going to be less patient next year.

I read a blurb about how the episode answered a bunch of questions and set itself up for season 2, and yet my wife and I were disappointed by the finale. We didn't feel like much of anything was answered, and, well, it was just a decent episode of the series. We're still "all in", but speaking for myself, I'm VERY

My wife and I tried treating "Ray Donovan" as a serious drama, but the show became so ridiculous and the acting is so awful, that we now see each episode as though it is the tv version of Tommy Wiseau's "The Room". It is laughably bad, and incredibly silly, and we enjoy it a lot more now that we realize that it's

I watched his show last year, and sort of enjoyed parts of it, but there were times when my wife asked me if it was supposed to be a comedy…there was just far too much yelling and childish insecurity…It just wasn't…entertaining, on any level. Sounds like season 2 hasn't changed for the better.

Awww…..Hello Ladies was so much fun… *sigh*

To say that Breaking Bad has "too tidy" a conclusion is to forget that if one tiny plot point were left unresolved, it would be what so many people would bitch about. I appreciated the tidy ending, and felt thoroughly satisfied… it reminded me of the feeling I get when I finish a great book, and close it for the final

You must be high.

And come on, It's comedy gold whenever Jerry is onscreen, not just because of what he says or does, but because of how everyone reacts to him!

The character of Lily is a reason to watch Modern Family? Oh dear god, that kid has thoroughly ruined a show that was on thin ice to begin with. I've had enough of the screeching latino, the screeching gay couple, and the screeching put-upon anorexic wife of the only funny character on the show…when they added that

I saw it on IMAX last night, and enjoyed the spectacle, but 3D took away from the experience for me. As a non-glasses wearing viewer, the 3D goggles were smeary and every bit of light in the theater, from the EXIT signs to what was onscreen, just seemed to be reflected on the glasses, kind of getting in the way of the