Jacob King

There is no way that was Leland and it never occurred to me it was Sarah either but I've seen a lot of people bring it up. I think their mistake is wanting everything to be tied in too neatly too early there are still ten parts to go.

Yeah, I'm just giving my interpretation but Leland's reaction when he sees Laura with Theresa and his motive, he's angry about Laura being there, makes him guilty in my eyes. Those are Leland issues not Bob issues.

It doesn't preclude him from becoming an abuser. I don't think we are told exactly what happened only that Leland recognised him as a neighbour. The difference between Leland and Laura is that though they both had similar childhood abuse Leland responded by turning toward the evil while Laura resisted and went to the

It's just a theory but the timing works better than Bob being reborn. I also think Laura because it's a high school girl in a sweater. It could be something totally other of course. I was 100% expecting some Secret History Roswell stuff with all the New Mexico shenanigans and the bug could be new entity getting in on

Leland invited the evil in. I think that is part of the mythology. He abused his daughter and was responsible because he wanted the power Bob offered - ultimately he chose and he knew on some level and kept going. Bob also wanted to possess Laura but she fought him off which is why she was killed. I never watched LOST

Nah, the beetle is Laura. Bob was in the bomb which is why the giant and the lady had to send Laura to earth in the first place.

He needed to see its licence plate so he could send it to Philip to presumably reprogram the trackers to follow the truck. See everything makes sense now.

Some of us want more Pintel and Ragetti.

Cheryl Blossom is a villain in the same way nuclear war is a bad idea.