Mark Lewis

Goldsman probably gets work because he gives studio executives exactly what they want and implements their "notes" verbatim. He's probably a go-along-to-get-along kind of guy. When he hands his draft of a bologna slapped between two pieces of white bread slathered with mayo, the executives beam with pride because

I vowed never to see another Akiva Goldsman-associated film after A Time To Kill. Truly terrible indeed. Though the Batman fan in me did see Batman & Robin, and I think it might be among the worst movies ever made.

The death of physical media proves three things:

Back in the day, before we listened to music on computers, the CD forced you to slow down and listen to a whole album all the way through. It was nice that you didn't have to flip it after 15-20 minutes. And it was great that there was no surface noise. When you bought that CD for $15 (and rarely could take it for