Casey C

you don't say. except i wasn't talking about a child who will change quite rapidly in a short time, i was talking about an adult

some people do look the same though for long periods of time. look at Patrick Stewart, he looks practically identical to how he looked during Star Trek and that started 30 years ago. its not too great a stretch that Tomas would look much the same 16ish years prior to when we met him in s1. (canonically Helena was 12

When she first 'meets' MK she asks if shes the one in the shadows, suggesting she has 'felt' MK the whole time, which given she'd never met her, heard of her nd MK was a great distance away most of the time suggests she can feel ALL the clones regardless. so did she feel Katja be killed? did she feel Beth? can she

I still don't know where I stand on Kira's psychic link to the clones.
everything else is scientifically pretty plausible but that kind of…I
just don't quite like it. does she feel every clone? is it proximity
based? a LOT of clones have been murdered or died, has she felt all
those like she felt MK? why has she

To be fair her age is largely irrelevant when it comes to speaking another language - kids learn languages in school from a young age. its literally no different to that. At around her age I was doing French, German, English and Latin at school, which sucked a bit as Im not good at languages but they were mandatory.

I thought it was abundantly obvious it wqas Sarah, even without the prior reveal. the way she held herself, facial expressoins, it was all Sarah, it was like she was barely even trying to seem like Rachel

she has some Ukranian ancestory but Ive never seen mention she can speak it. French, German, and some Spanish, is all Ive heard/read

yup, it was deemed they needed someone who could do 'unhinged' more than Cynthia G could, so cast a different actress for young Helena. it was jarring but i think that actress looked a lot more like young TM than Cynthia G ever really has.

oh god yes

I loved the duality of Coady telling Helena aobut how she stank of death or whatever and would be a shit mother, knowing that she was really talking about herself having just killed her 'son' and I sat there just WAITING for Helena to kill her. she's had it coming and I was so happy about it!

TM doesn't speak Ukranian and yet could do the lines she has in the language. you just learn phonetically. she didn't need to be able to speak it as such, just recite a couple lines. they wanted an actress that did unhinged better than CG

they said they wanted an actress who could really do unhinged or something like that so they cast the new actress. which is a bit rude to Cynthia G, but there you have it. maybe they filmed with her nad it just wasn't working so aged her down a bit and got a new actress. i was a little jarring to have had CG set up as

Tatiana Maslany's boyfriend playing Len and Sarah smiling when len gets kickedk in the balls was pretty fun

as a former figure skater I can tell you, ice can be ridiculously sharp when it's jagged. was it a somewhat silly amout of blood, yeah, but I've cut myself pretty bad falling on ice. te entire scene was pretty funny though I'm sure it wasn't meant to be