
that fucking Whitey Bulger tweet, woof. She had a perfect little joke there and bungled the wording completely.

she's from Oakland or Portland maybe!

this might be the first Hatesong I've read where even the interview itself gets bored with the concept and just veers off to discuss the interview subject's comedy career instead of the song at hand. "It's nasally and I can't remember the words". "Ok fine, now you're from Oakland eh? Portland's wacky isn't it?"

"also, I am illiterate. My sullen 14 year old nephew sums up all my tweets and approves scripts for me."

I legit thought I was reading a Starwipe article for a second there, particularly around the section about the pyramids.

I FUCKING LOVE BRAINIAC. amazing to see a feature on them here - totally underrated boss-as-fuck band.

I never played Wow, but an acquaintance is a big gamer who was into it for many years and he felt that the movie seemed tailored to hardcore fans, so he would enjoy it.

RIP Duncan Jones' promising career…unless he's able to recover from this and get to do the projects he truly wants to do, now that he's done the powers that be a solid by directing their blockbuster mess.

DC - pussying out on all their lofty claims, all the time.

You'd Let Us Know If There Any Jobs Available For AV Club Writers Who Phone in All Their Shit, Won't You, Internet?

I do remember cringing in theaters (because yes I saw that turkey IN THEATERS) from the shoehorned "I'M THE JUGGEERNAUT BITCH" line. Cringed so hard I almost turned inside out. It's like watching a dad try to rap.

I used to listen to HDTGM pretty regularly but over the past 6 months or even a year, they've devolved more into shtick than a funny podcast about bad movies. I still love Jason Mantzoukas to death, he is always the highlight of an episode, particularly when he's on Comedy Bang Bang. But the rest of the time it just…

they should have just done a Aqua Teen style Alternate Movie with all their wishy-washy deleted scenes.

Sajdak needed a hug in that moment!


a wordpress site that's got database issues, at that

hey, is this the article and comments sections where we can all behave like snotty contrarian 14 year olds? Hey alright!

You know, AV Club turned into Tumblr so gradually I didn't even notice!

"Gimme a beer"

I would mark out fucking hard for a John Cho Captain America. How do I hitch a ride to that universe?