
Hey cool, another prequel! So far most of the "new" Star Wars movies have been spinoff prequels which we all know the public has been impatiently demanding.

I'm a little drunk and I just want to say, I would see Taylor Swift in the hardest yet most sensitive way, in a sensitive way

I was at this Raw last night. The crowd was mild as shit. They really did seem to be there for all the "right" beats though the loudest pops were there for Cesaro, The New Day and Dean Ambrose.

is that the promo for Rock vs Austin? Because I dunno why but the combination of the images and music gave me actual shivers, in a good way.

Those LB boys have been taken down a peg! A whole peg!

Ah the 2010s, when an artist can't so much as fart in the general direction of a microphone without someone whining about being offended on behalf of people they never interact with in the first place.

Snyder probably gives WB execs noogies constantly and also extorts their lunch money from them every day.

that's entirely too much tunafish, Google

my favorite being the episode where King Tut and Batman get into a war of words over the phone/call-in radio show and Batman politely asks listeners to turn off their radios for a minute so they don't have to hear the alarming language they no doubt exchanged.

so this is a sign of things to come, right? Dumbness takes over America as dogshit like BvS gets boffo box office despite critics explaining in fine detail why it's dogshit.

then I can't wait for the inevitable Spawn the Animated Series-esque animated tie-in to these movies, with Batman breaking criminal necks left and right, while Superman sits in the Fortress rocking back and forth to Bauhaus while cutting himself with a Kryptonite kitchen knife

Snyder is like an impatient child who doesn't understand that you have to earn moments like that. Superman's introduction, death, feuding with Batman, etc. are all just thrown up on screen instead of enjoying the benefit of a few films' worth of seeing them as best friends or cohorts at least. It's like if the second

only 90's kids would

the AO Scott review offers a particular insight that's at the heart of what makes this version of Superman so off-putting - he doesn't so much elicit adoration as he almost kinda demands it. People don't look up at him out of respect or admiration, they look up at him in a kind of fearful acceptance. It's a bit creepy

it'll make money, but not "fuck you" money. I bet you it makes a little less than Deadpool.

"Haha oh America, I thought your colors didn't run? Looks like Snyder ran them all off in this picture!"

China to the rescue!

some "My GOD this movie!"s will be forthcoming I bet

I agree, it still reeks of "bro" choices. Maybe IMDB in general needs to be taken with a grain of salt regardless of who they say is sourcing their lists? Maybe AFI's lists are a better metric to go on, but then again, taste is so subjective, how do we establish what "the best" movies really are? It will vary by

but…IMDB's front page has a "Top 100" list as compiled by female members, and that list includes stuff like Shawshank, Dark Knight and even Lion King: http://www.imdb.com/imdbpic…