

* breaks down sobbing *


expected hot garbage, received hot garbage. so they're 1 for 1 so far on meeting expectations.

"Tell me….do you speed? You will."

Gordon Ramsay would have spat out that Spot.IM comments plugin with a weary "Oh dear oh dear…"

*cut to some editor's pad at 430am*

Terminator: NapDyn

I feel embarrassed for Snyder

I think they're going to do The Cobbler next, they tweeted that Pixels is "one of two Adam Sandler movies from last year" that they're going to cover. A bounty of Sandler!

that We Hate Movies episode was a true testament to the kind of dedicated fanbase the podcast has earned; lots of people endured watching goddamn Russell Madness just to follow along with the episode. Great episode too, and this week's should be lots of fun too since they're tackling Pixels.


Godawful Job, Internet!

Is This Shit Your Job, Internet?


put it in a pot, add some broth, a potato…

Each episode ends with a Klingon PSA.

Alex Kurtzman's going to be involved with this! He's history's greatest monster!

If I were harry shearer, I'd just Skype in the entire time, nude. What are they gonna do about it? Nothing, that's what.

one of the worst Superman live action interpretations, even more so than Man of Steel and Superman Returns. All 3 adaptations seem to think Superman = mopey and wishy-washy about his "destiny". Not once does it seem like Clark/Superman likes to break a smile, enjoy saving people, and strive to be a leader of people.