Christopher Olson

I would fund a Kickstarter to have C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien humorously riff on beloved children's classics MST3K-style in a heartbeat.

Maybe it's because I feel guilty for taking whimsical delight in little people my whole upbringing, but I've always had a lot of respect for little people in Hollywood. The roles available seem limited to awful comedies where their presence seems like a substitute for a punchline, or to establish that a party is wild

He is male. He is explaining. Therefor he is Mansplaining. That's all there is to it, right?

I was hopping that Vincent D'Onofrio's Kingpin would be violently removing someone's head from their shoulders, if only because it would match the music oh, so well, which is to say it wouldn't.

I was wondering why The Walking Dead has so much trouble developing things organically, then realized that defying organic processes is the show's premise.

I like the subtle hint of there being a second S.H.I.E.L.D. in the promotional artwork, with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo eagle (hawk? Falcon? Mockingbird?) inset with a second bird, which also echoes all the birds that come crashing down on the football field. It's one of those things that doesn't spoil the secret but

Why the heck wasn't Mack in quarantine? He was recently possessed by an unknown alien entity that made him near invincible, while Skye merely got some vapor on her, for all they know.

Remember that episode of TNG where Worf keeps slipping into parallel universes where the only difference is, like, the type of cake he's eating? I'm from a universe that's exactly like yours but The Good Wife is on ABC. And it's produced by 20th Century Fox.

I swore during the opening that I was watching The Good Wife, with all the non-pixellated close-ups of browser windows that look like mockups from commercials. Since they're both ABC productions, I suppose they could have had the same people put it together. Would've been kind of cool if the Dunphys used Chumhum as

What did Mathew Broderick do?

I believe he was referring to the holographic face mask originally seen in The Winter Soldier. Because they didn't overtly reference that fact I guess it bypasses simple continuity and becomes a little treat for people who've been paying attention.

My memory of Prince of Thieves has slowly intermingled with my memory of Men in Tights. With the rape scene in Prince of Thieves and the ridiculous attempts by the Sheriff of Nottingham to literally drill his way into Maid Marian's comically-oversized chastity belt in Men in Tights, it's a wonder that I developed a

"Hugely" exciting. Heh.

There may be irony in my rush to seek approval for a close reading of a TV show and then failing to read the reviewer closely. But damn it, I noticed a popular reference and I want it on the record!

I somehow read everything up until that, then did a search for "2001" so I could cut to the chase and see if it got mentioned, somehow missed the mention and the picture, and then thought, heck, I'll post about it just to be safe.

Did anyone else notice that the black door framed by the white wall while stepping off of the elevator resembles the monolith from 2001?

I figure I'm allowed to enjoy "Let It Go" shamelessly because I can name at least a dozen broadway composers off the top of my head that aren't named Andrew Lloyd Webber or Tim Rice.