A Nice Tea

I live in Canada, so we didn't get the print version here (or at least not in my corner). I bought "Our Dumb Century" when it came out and a friend brought me back a paper copy of The Onion from a trip to Chicago in the early '00s. I still have it!

Nothing like some good father-son bonding!

Sounds like my kind of festival!

Congrats on your niece, Judkins. I, too, have a brand new niece and I get to travel to meet her this weekend. Can't wait! Being an auntie is going to be the best.

It means hooray! This is brilliant! Praise jeebus!

I read something that said that chains were used in actual medieval libraries. Books were so rare and valuable at the time that they were chained to the shelves. You couldn't take them very far to read them. I guess they just thought "Chain - cool!" and put them in somehow.

Pickled herring is one of my favourite parts of the 12 meatless dishes we have for Ukrainian Christmas Eve dinner!

Upvote for the Bee Girl simile!

Me too!

It really is probably nothing. However, in the off chance it's not nothing, you totally got this. I'm working on 8 years clear since my diagnosis and treatment (chemo and radiation) and life is good.

Leftovers are the best thing ever because it's all the deliciousness of the original supper and NONE OF THE WORK!

My 17-year-old cat ate her supper, jumped up on the stereo, and puked all over it. I alternated between gaaahhhh! and aww - poor thing.

You make them sound so lovely! :)

I've played flute for 30+ years and always wanted to play piccolo, but never had the opportunity. It's fun and can add some sparkle to certain pieces, but it is pretty hard on the ears!

Two timpani parts? That's crazy talk! I forget what song my wind ensemble was playing, but when they handed us both a Piccolo I and Piccolo II part, we knew it was trouble.

I find that people often ask for advice when they have already made up their minds, and want someone else to confirm what they're thinking.

Twenty! Well, happy birthday to Kitten No. 2! I also have an old kitty - she just turned 17. We have another who appeared on our deck scrawny and starving two summers ago who we think is about 4 years old and who is now giant and fluffy and very regal. And we have 2 neighbour cats who treat our house like a second

I'm about halfway through Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel. The stories and timelines jump around, but the main story is about a group of actors traveling a post-apocalyptic countryside. Really, really good so far!

I made an awesome ramen noodle soup with marinated soy sauce eggs. Wish I had some now. I also made a delicious wonton soup for the first time - wontons are easier than I thought they'd be.

Hot Mustard is the only allowable answer.