
Favorite moment: "Carol is probably the best fighter in this room."
Least favorite: Anything with Negan. At least Rosita tried to off him, unlike the hundreds of people around him he treats cruelly and capriciously on a daily basis.

And find a crossbow, perhaps? Luckily they have fast travel in this world.

Giving casual viewers a focus as we check in on the Riverlands would also explain the constant talk of Cat. But that combined with the return of Beric? I dunno. Either she's on her way, or they're being awfully dickish about it.

For some reason I really loved the watery escape by Blackfish, and was maybe overly mad that they did what I expected and killed him off instead. So I'm going to invoke the rule that if it didn't happen on-screen, it's not final. I'll be waiting, Blackfish (and Syrio).

There are lots of beloved dead characters. She's been in just about everyone's conversations for multiple episodes. Beric serves one purpose in the book, and all of a sudden he's back. I'm not in love with the character but like you I also have no idea where she's headed. She could be vital to the plot for all anyone

He's due for some final purpose or whatever. Either the show people are really stretching out a very pointless and mean fakeout for book readers, or they're going to have LS show up, a bit late. Maybe they kept her on ice.

What am I missing… The only thing blocking the LS train is the fact that her corpse would be rather overdone by now. Why go to the trouble of bringing back Beric and Thoros since LS is their sole plot purpose? Why all the incessant mentions of Cat? It's not like this season hasn't been hitting casual viewers over the

A few characters simply have no redeeming qualities. Walder Frey and Ramsay Snow come to mind, and the fact that they're giant dicks is why they're still alive while anyone who is actually a genuinely decent human being tends to get burned at the stake, decapitated, or have his commune slaughtered. That's GRRM's

For the same reason Walder said RED WEDDING every five seconds last episode.

It's gotta be something. Waif is supposed to be no one, not a Mean Girl.

I love me some Olenna, but she has some balls talking to Cersei that way considering she murdered her firstborn son. In fact, lots of characters are spending a lot of time around people they've seriously wronged. Is no one alive aware of what Mel did to Shireen? And Arya needed to leave yesterday, not that she's safe

The fact that the Umbers have strayed from their book fates makes what's going on at Winterfell very uncertain. Greatjon was perhaps the most Stark-loyal of northmen, but who can say about Smalljon, who is supposed to have died at the RW? His flagrant discourtesy (replaced with cold pragmatism) ignores customs against

Everyone who does nothing but complain about it doesn't get to watch it anymore. That's the rules.

Well maybe he could have a kid and a family but with a husband instead of a wife he is deceiving every moment of every day.

He is using a woman he has no romantic interest in, and her child, to cover up his deep dark secret of being gay. That is egocentric. And I think a little silly. He's got Taylor Kitsch's looks. He would be quite happy in California as a gay man. And a sham marriage is not a recipe for future stability.

If I am into a show, I'm usually all in, but may nitpick. I plan to stick with TD for the foreseeable future unless it becomes truly bad. I will reserve final judgment on Paul's character until the story is over. At first I was intrigued by his being secretly gay and not bothered at all, but exactly what I was worried

I think Paul's storyline is borderline offensive. Maybe, in 2015 LA, it's still
possible to be that incredibly tortured by being gay. Maybe even enough
to sacrifice a well-adjusted gay life in favor of a whole freaking
wife-and-child beard. But for Pizzolato to make this basically the
entire arc of this character is

Think about what Homeland has accomplished this season. Very taut plotting, more than enough plausibility for TV, even approaching Homeland's season 1 standards, and almost entirely set in a foreign country. Everything's been building to a storming of the embassy—which has happened in real life on a couple occasions.

I had been referring to Lysa's death as "Only Cat," so was disappointed in a strange way that they changed it to "Your sister." Guess they have their reasons. But they absolutely have to put Tyrion's thoughts into words when he gets his big moment.