
I think that's my biggest complaint. It will make sense once they reveal the cowboy's part in everything, but there's too much of a wink wink, nudge nudge in the way it's presented that it comes off as smug to me. It's like someone telling a cryptic story over a long period of time with a wide grin because they know

A good episode, but I was so depressed at the state of things most of the time that I had a hard time laughing at the jokes as in previous episodes. The past three seasons have worn Pied Pier, and subsequently Richard, so much that I kept waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel. I knew it was coming, I just had

What I love about these jokes is how Jin-yang (spelling?) doesn't even try to hide his poor-ish english or his voice during these calls.

The best part is the way that his comments sometimes get underplayed. Like, you get so caught up in the moment or what he says breezes by, you have to do a second take and hear it again.

Luckily, SV was greenlit for a 4th season, so more SV next year!

I think, what would have helped, is if they included one aspect from the comic that, for some reason, they aren't including. At least not yet. There is a rhyme and reason to this type of format. They are sticking fairly close to the source material, so it's not as if they're making it up as they go along, but they've

As much as I love Silicon Valley and as hilarious as it continues to be, I am also getting frustrated with the repetitive nature of the show's structure. It is feeling very rinse and repeat at this point. And that is so abundantly clear in the way the show just seems to kick into high gear almost immediately this

Ah, right, I remember the episode now.

I actually quite enjoyed this episode and it's one of the funniest of the season. I felt it was a pleasant break from all the high strung drama and we got to see the guys engage women in actual relationships. AND Jared fucks. I'm really glad that came back. That was one of Russ's best gifts to us. It was a nice break

That's assuming that everything that happened doesn't have some repercussion in the future. It was never explicitly stated that Richard has become the CEO, as there was going to be a vote for it, so it's not official. Then there's Big Head blabbing his mouth, which is a violation of his NDA, which we should guess will

Kind of surprised that Big Head violating his NDA wasn't put here. It's the first thing I thought of when Big Head opened his mouth to Richard. I am already picturing the falling of the dominoes: Gavin will come for Big Heads money, which is now tied with Elich's money, their little operation is going to fold, Erlich

This. This was the first thing that I thought of when he started saying stuff to Richard. This is going to come back to bite him, and subsequently Erlich.

It was kind of obvious that some kind of screw up would happen just because Richard was being so arrogant. Richard isn't allowed to be arrogant or egotistical on the show. Something always happens to reign him in.

I'm slightly disappointed that Jack is gone, actually. As much as I disliked Jack for being the typical, cliche Silicon Valley CEO, I was kind of excited in this episode that there were some breakthroughs happening. That and it's only the fourth episode of the season. Also, am I the only one curious as to how much Big

Considering how apathetic Big Head seems to…well….everything, really, I was surprised he'd buy such a big house to begin with. I feel like someone suggested he do that with his money, he shrugged his shoulders, and said sure, why not.

Amanda Crew ALWAYS looks ravishing. She's come quite a long ways from Final Destination 3.

Yes, that's who I meant.

I am somewhat amazed at how Judge and team manage to continually find new challenges for Pied Piper to overcome (or more specifically Jared). In this case, now that he's gotten past the hump of fighting for his companies existence, it's moved on to the companies integrity. I actually feel like this speaks more to Pied

Was it Jan the Man? For some reason, I thought she was saying Jen the Man, which I thought was funnier since it didn't actually rhyme.

The best part of the whole thing was how everything else was so professionally done except that one picture.