
I think the idea that Jaime couldn't die at this point betrays a core tenant of the series, and that may be a fault of the TV show. The show has always stayed grounded in a way by not keeping anyone safe. Certainly, the lead characters were safer than many others, but the idea that no one is ever truly safe has

I would guess he had it for some more nefarious purposes than genuine love for McCain/Palin. The man doesn't strike me as the voting type anyway. Seems more like an anarchist.

Richard frustrates me to no end. And his constant success, no matter how micro, just seem to lead to his constant undoing. I feel like next weeks episode is going to be an undoing for the company. After everything Richard has done to the team; after this double whammy of reneging the Keenan deal AND being responsible

The Valley doesn't get bad cold. And them freaking out about cold weather is pretty spot on. People don't really know what to do. But that's what happens when you live where the weather stays pretty consistently gorgeous most of the year.

It rains. And when it does, it turns into the apocalypse. LA doesn't know what to do.

It's especially rich when he exclaims that he is, in fact, NOT Gavin Belson.

I'm sensing a season finale akin to season 1. Big convention, Richard's great tech, the boys win the day again but are still broke and in infantile stages. The show continues to deliver solid laughs, but it's endless circling around the drain has become a point of frustration. We've been here before, almost exactly in

What I find amazing about the series is how each and every character has slowly been set up to finally come to terms with their true nature. They've all attempted to avoid it thus far and we are watching them fail miserably. Jimmy is becoming Saul. Chuck's world is now rapidly crumbling around him. Howard's friendship

I have a feeling you find homophobic meanings in a lot of places they aren't. Perhaps a gay person might enjoy scouring the internet for dicks for a living, but more straight people don't find that an appealing job, least of all Dinesh. Your quote comes from Russ Hanneman, THE most obnoxious guy on the show. If he DID

Errr, perhaps you didn't hear them reference the band Limp Bizkit? The band got their name from the very thing they describe on the show. I'm not sure what leap you're making with all the rage over some perceived anti-gay, but I think you missed several points about the joke: A. It was referencing the name of a band

I missed the core story, yes, but this was a good break. This season has kind of dragged for me. They're really covering territory we've seen and right now, the team seems to essentially be in a place of non-movement. So, this season for me has really been all about the jokes, and this episode delivered a ton.

Because it's Gavin Belson. I'd assume that Gavin left them the photo because of the formula on it, but a big part of me also says that he's simply an agotistical jerk who thinks that bequeathing a giant photo of himself to his partner is a great gift.

That's fantastic. And Laurie's picture is priceless. She seems perpetually perplexed by human behavior.

It's still pretty great. Still one of the best comedies currently on TV. Even if the storylines are lagging, the jokes and characters are spot on. For all you list, we are getting an equally great Jian Yang and Gavin.

To be honest, they seem to make each other miserable. Gilfoyle comes across as someone whose waiting for Dinesh to say 'I love you', and the fact he doesn't makes Gilfoyle sad.

And that, I believe, is the point.

I agree with this, the constant pulling of the rug every season is getting exhausting. They need to let these stories ride out over the course of the season. The Gavin/Richard union could have produced episodes of great friction and laughs, but instead, for whatever reason, they've decided to send Gavin away.

Jian Yang deserves more credit because at least a third of this episode belonged to him. He's always come across as 'the guy one the couch', even when he started a feud with Erlich. Even his adventures during this season haven't felt entirely genuine….until this episode. This is the first time, as this review states,

Good point, but his dad seems awfully bright and no bullshitter, so I have to wonder if he'd get away with it. I really want Big Head's pay off to be that he DOES know something, he's just so unfocused and aloof, he doesn't realize it. It would be amazing if he ended up being the most successful of all of them

Also, I thought Jared doing the nails and talking about it as a way to survive on the streets, and then Richard's puzzled expression was another brilliant Jared-ism. Some of the best jokes on this show are the ones hinting to some inexplicably dark past of Jared.