
I completely disagree about the comedic high. This is the best episode of the season so far and it is almost all because Russ is so hysterical. What makes Russ so hysterical is that he is a savior of sorts to PP, while being worse than even Gavin. All of his entrances are hilarious and he is such an uncomfortably

Last week, I felt like the episode was a little on the bland side, but this really made up for it. It almost felt sitcomy, in a good way, but then did what SV does best: gives us base jokes combined with industry humor. Every bit was hilarious and there were so many high points about this episode. Even the subplot was

A parody of TED would be excellent.

It is sad to see the absence of Peter Gregory. Christopher Welch was my favorite actor on the show right next to TJ Miller. His zaniness will be very much missed, and the new character really can't replace him. But the episode was still pretty good. I did feel like something was lacking, but over all it was funny. I


Sounded to me like Vazquez was saying that it didn't add up that Duffy was actually the informant. It sounds like Duffy is protecting someone, but I maybe just need to go back and listen to the convo again.

Oh he won't. That's the only reason I think they set him up as another quick draw. Even the preview seemed to suggest he would showdown with Rayland. And we already know that, when it comes to a draw down, no one beats Rayland Givens.

First, let me say that I think Wynn Duffy just sealed his fate. Had he gotten out of dodge like he has always done, I would say he was going to get away clean. But he's caved into the same desire as everyone else, and for that I think he's going to meet the end he's managed to weasel out of this entire series. I was

I hope that "Papa's Got a Brand New Excuse" from Fresh Prince lands on the list. Of all the sitcoms I have ever seen, that remains one of the most powerful episodes of sitcom TV I have ever, and it is an episode that stays with the rest of the series. What makes it more amazing is that the entire finale of the episode