
Well no, there's a reason "alternative" is put in there. Specifically because it comes from the wonderful land of make believe.

It's like reading the first chapter of a VERY predictable book and then putting it down. I didn't say I threw it away, you read too much into that. It's just that the foreshadowing is WAY too heavy for each event that is supposed to be a surprise.
You're exiled just because, and no one will talk to you about

Never said it was a 'great' love story. Just that if you're literally the last 2 people around, whatcha gonna do? Also, again, a LOT of what you're saying is because the time involved is glossed over.
It probably would have worked WAY better as a novel or something where they could have developed the drudgery of like

Only got 2 hours for the movie to play out, and as far as they're concerned, they're the only 2 people alive. I get where you're coming from too. I fully expected her to go back under.
Since there were no internal monologues maybe she understood why he did it, and in the end decided that, while an extremely shitty

Yup. His pod screwed up for awhile before he woke up too, hence all the internal damage.

Once she found out, she hated him. It took them watching someone die of internal organ failure, him saving her life, him ready to sacrifice his life to save hers (and the rest of the ship, not to mention almost actually dying), and him fixing it so should could go back into stasis before she even started thinking

You're right, he did wake up from the glitches, and the glitches screwed up the waking procedure. But, (I think) he said that the crew was supposed to wake up in the case of an emergency, but the glitching ended up stopping that part too.

Also it's not like it was Stockholm Syndrome like some of the others have said. That would just be her falling for her captor/jailer. She was PISSED at him, and that didn't even start to break down until they watched a person slowly die before their eyes, he saved her, he risked his life and saved her AGAIN (also

The entire ship had gravity. Why not a space swimming pool?

meh, make it less girls, switch Lawrence for Sigourney Weaver, and you have Alien 3. You saw how that turned out.

The upbeat part is when he first was woken up and had the entertainment section of the ship to himself. Basically, that all gets boring after awhile (which is entirely understanding), and that's what leads to the rest. The only real issue is that the passage of time feels MUCH less than was actually portrayed.

The only real issue I had was that the passage of time was glossed over. Once that gets stuck back in, the temptation eating at him after he'd exhausted everything else he could do solo kinda makes a bit more sense. He didn't 'go insane' so much as lost to the growing psychological need for companionship. It was sated

The premise was that they couldn't be put under in the pods at all. They were basically just for upkeep of the state of stasis.

Yeah, because convicts and destitutes would be AWESOME to have around people that basically gave up their vast fortunes (or lives) to go colonize another world. May as well expect everyone to be woken up one by one and be taken advantage of for about 50 years, then a ghost ship when they all die.

Ok, but then he then offered to put her back under. She chose not to (though, I even expected her to at that point in the movie).

Nope, his pod malfunctioned and never got rebooted. I had to double check that as well.

Well, Pratt's character wasn't impulsive, it ate at him for a long time. He even contemplated and was seconds away from suicide to keep himself from doing it.

It was more about the morality of what you'd do if you were on a ship, alone, for a long ass time (which, like the article, got glossed over a bit), when you've exhausted the entertainment in about a month, and knowing there were people you could wake up. He just happened to fixate on one.

His pod malfunctioned and he didn't know of any replacement until he work up Jennifer Lawrence's character. At the time, I think she already knew about his waking her up intentionally, and he offered to put her back under if she desired.

When a narrative is added, it's definitely a third leg. I remember Double Dragon, Super Mario Bros, Donkey Kong and all that, but there was never a narrative added :)
I started on those too, then moved on to the JRPGs. Well, there's a few notable exceptions: Toe Jam and Earl, Sonic, etc. weren't big on story either,