
Thank you for this comment. Best laugh I've had in a while :D I couldn't agree more with what you said

Couldn't have said it better myself. I loved Lin's line when he said Jax is an idiot coz I feel like everyone has been acting like idiots lately. No logic in their actions what so ever. And I get that Sutter might be going for the build up till the finale thing he did in s3 but not only is that just lazy but the

Thank you! This is what has been bugging me. There is just not enough weight behind anything the club does. Even Jax avenging Tara, instead of feeling some sympathy I am getting more impatient coz Sutter is dragging it out so that Gemma's reveal can be as close to the finale as possible. Ugh.

I was so annoyed they went down this road again. His apparent "forgetfulness" is actually what led to Tara's murder in the first place, smh.

You said it sister :D

Amen to this! This used to be the show I would recommend & defend whenever people tried to pass it up as just another teen show (which it is but s1-early s4 was really good). Now I am stuck trying hard not to bang my head against a wall for how crappy the writing has become and how the writers have taken every

I am with you on this one. She acted like she was going to be living w/o Oxygen. Like for Christ sake's when did TVD make its characters so pathetic?