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    Dead sexy. No joke. i ALWAYS tell me boyfriend I want to marry Dan Conner and wish he was more like him! Terrible I know!

    I've also been in love with him too for quite some time. According to Roseanne she not only was in love with John (not surprising) but Laurie was also attracted to him when they all started working together. How could you not find such a big, talented, hilarious, cute guy attractive. One thing that bugs me though, is

    Probably true since Roseanne sister in real life is gay. The show WAS based off her real life family!

    Can't understand anyone hating original Becky. She was so underrated on the show. She played her part of the oldest, teenaged daughter with total brilliance. She got overshadowed by the rest of the cast unfortunately, but they & we missed her presence greatly when she left, and were constantly trying to find ways to

    Oh and "PMS I love you" (Dans birthday episode)!! How could I forget. That and Toto may be my 2 favorites. One of the funniest episodes they ever made.

    That's what makes that episode great. For people who've been through tornadoes or hurricanes it rings very true. A well done episode.

    "Toto we're not in Kansas anymore" was always possible my favorite episode. Also loved "Death & Stuff" & the one where Becky gets drunk. Episodes like that were special b/c they felt a little different from other ones, so they stood out a bit. There are a lot more too.

    I voted for her. How crazy does that make me! ;)

    It's a tough episode to watch due to how realistic it is. But the closing scene (the spoof on "COPS") where Roseanne has a mullet and Dan in a half shirt & bandana holding a pizza pie…is so worth it. It injects the humor back into the whole episode.

    You have no idea about her acting back then? Now I understand why you're making such inaccurate assessments of the show. Did you even watch it? You're contradicting yourself. If you watched the show you would've also noticed how torn they both were about taking a chance with their own business. Dan was against it from

    Thank you!! Every point you made is correct. Not sure why people who arent familiar w/ the show are making such bold inaccurate statement. I HATED second Becky since she first debuted. She was a horrible actress then but improved leaps & bounds with her acting & comedy.

    You clearly did not pay attention to details of the series, like where money came from (loans, divorce settlements, friends) and they did not always have jobs. They bounced around from one shit job to another and were frequently unemployed. They also were not depicted as "poor people". Struggling middle/lower class,

    You are right, I always noticed the same thing. Coincidence? Maybe. But I don't think he gets enough credit for his humor.

    Never happened.

    High Time? Now THAT'S the band that should be on this list.. MC5. Basically every single one of my all time favorite bands should be on here.

    He hates me. He hates me now. He hates me. He hates me WOW!

    Hey Jimothy!

    I think it should be their next album title. Or a pseudonym to play under.