
If Lance takes his cues from you, Prometheus will be one flustered villian : Dammit how many red herrings do i need to leave before they take the bait?

That would mean Prometheus knows Lance knows Green Arrow. But should he know Lances knows that? I'm confused.

And shouldn't felicity be checking up on Barry on how much pregress he's made fixing things? Actually shouldn't Felicity be very nervous and possibly confessing this stuff to Oliver?

That's why I thought it was going to be fixed because it makes no sense.

You've actually stumbled on the loophole that might make it work.

> I think it's much more interesting seeing the differences and similarities between the supernatural and human characters

Nope, not entertaining enough. Try again.

Hey I know this one! We could have a pointless yet entertaining circular argument for twenty posts or so! To give our fellow fans the most value for their reading time, please pick a subject/tactic to start off with:

"My Foster Mother was a Demon", a hilarious slapstick comedy coming to a theatre near you!

She could sell it to the conspiracy crowd. David Icke has "non fiction" books about how the Queen is a shape shifting reptile and no one's put him in the looney bin. Maybe they should, but no one has.

You must be new around here. I've watched the show for the last couple of years, after binge watching the seasons I missed live. This strategy of watching after reading feed back is a new thing, THIS SEASON, in response to the crap manipulative writing of last season.

Yes, I'm looking forward to that convo.

[ I accidentally hit reply to your comment when I meant to be replying to CarbonYeti when the disqus feed updated and scrolled down. Hope that wasn't too confusing. ;) ]

I understand where you're coming from. The show is reasonably good given its drift from the comics. The characters have emotional honesty, and real tension. Most 'moments' are earned. I enjoy it, and I also read the comic. But its taking waaaaaaay to long for my taste to show me how the celestial world is put

I think you might be missing my point. If you screw up torturing a human with techniques you learned from the pits of Hell, they are unlikely to survive.

If only we had lives.

And you trust Maze to know this? She tortured people in Hell, where I assume they kinda regenerate for all eternity or something. Not so much in the mortal world.

Agree with most of what you say. But the weakness of the show remains the lack of supernatural world building. Everything being well done, could be this well done without the premise of the Devil takes a holiday. If you call the lead character "The Prince of Darkness" or "First of the Fallen", the writers set up

Or torture them for reasons. Someone really needs to explain that to her.

Cringe inducing brilliance is Lucifer's forte.