
Monkey Paws, I tell you. What could possibly go wrong?

Well, I got the alcohol bit! Mind, that's not a big win as 90% of what humans like to do when going somewhere to relax involves fermented drinks….

For the record, I wasn't the first to imply music stings were possibly part of the problem. As for the rest, hush you. ;P

Shooting Damien in the ass mid gloat would be a nice change of pace from the scenery chewing/heroic speechifying we are bound to be subjected to at the inevitable showdown. Sadly, Joss Whedon is not writing on this show, cuz he'd totally do something like that.

Yeh, now we know how the Black Canary's coming back.

Yep, that was our Seven of Nine. She's looking great!

My thoughts:

Something about going to joint for tarts/beers, probably?

Thank you! I knew I was forgetting someone.

The camera should have stayed on May, her observing eh convo like a tennis match. Hunter and his mate talk:
[back and forth until]
last line
sub ?????

Yeh but it would make sense once her PTSD calms down a bit. I can see part of her recovery is trying to understand what happened by investigating it.

I thought that, but then it hadn't been established that he had that much fine control over his powers. Which would be cool, but so far we've mostly seen supervillian style "zap boom" expressions of it.

Now that would have been funny.

So, some deep sea survey team is in for a nasty surprise?
This will totally be a future plot pot. /sarc

Business is booming for her in Texas right now.

Lol. Well, everyone's hard to understand when the "we are reaching the story climax" music starts going. Every once and a while I rewind, but this can happen as much on Supernatural and on Doctor Who. Fact, it really does happen to me more on Supernatural.

From the other replies to my comment, it might have just been glossed over. A friend reminded me Inhumans have that stone cocoon thing, so that probably belonged to Juan.

Hey, fellow troper. I'm familiar with the idea. I just have trouble believing it's so bad one can't let people,- readers, viewers- sort it out without holding their hands. OTOH I moved around a lot growing up and I have an English grandfather, so my ear may really be that flexible?

Yeh, that was ….shocking? WTF? I get why he's mad(actually I forget when he found out Selina killed Reg), but hitting her in public was also stupid. What if someone hostile to Wayne Enterprises had seen and reported him? Cue more drama and awkwardness.

You find Capaldi hard to understand? I guess YMMV. Personally I was quite disappointed to find out David Tennant was not using his real accent in the role, which is perfectly understandable IMHO.