
Sorry, my friend. Late night typing fail and I have no idea what I meant to write, lol.

I stand corrected.

The real problem(besides the plot convenient lack of communication skills), it writers have trouble making realistic likable kid characters that also act like real kids, who are sometimes annoying. It's easy to cobble up a staw child for cheap drama.

Disagree. She hasn't mentioned laundry once.

One could make an argument that with the uncertainly, stress, riots, etc, etc, people are just not thinking clearly right now. Not saying it's a good argument, but it's slightly plausible at the beginning of the outbreak. Not so much years later with supposedly seasoned zombie killing vets.

But if people talked like real people then the writers would have to work on character driven drama and Lord knows we can't have that.

>'Thin Blue Line"
Hopefully not with Rowan Atkinson. Or we're doomed.

A dishonorable tradition dating all the way back to T-Dog.

This keeping people safe by keeping them in the dark is such a tired trope. For more, see the entire last Season of Arrow.

IKR? They kill Zombie Principle. Unless they're are more undead, may as well take the food.

Depends on the male. Each to their own fan service.

Hell, even the comic Lampshades this:
A——— taken out by a lucky arrow.
Even the bad guys have dumb luck.

This reminds me of how Lucas in the expanded Verse refused to let anyone write the exact, blow by blow story of how Han rescued Chewie because he wanted to do it himself, maybe, at some point, in the future. Now the company's sold and that'll never happen. Thanks, George!

I agree the police—after being told by a deranged, strung out kid there were dad bodies and a girl eating a corpse-should definitely been all over that scene.

Haven't read this b/c I haven't watched it yet—WTF TPB?—just amazed the writer threw this together so quick. B- is encouraging.

You know Alison and Donnie can never sell that house. At least not before some serious remodelling….that just happens it involve replacing the floor…*koff*

Or mental stability. Except for Mark, they were all showing signs of cognitive defects/mental illness, and even Mark has issues, because who wouldn't in his position?

Heh, heh. If I told you more then you'd have to , you know…
*draws finger across throat*

Okay, yeh, maybe in that case.

I was making a mangled Indiana Jones reference, but yeah, everything you said.