
I was just being sarcastic. Just read my other comments. It's all been said. It's also okay to disagree.

Christopher Reeve will always be my Supes. RIP.

LOL true.

So the Lazarus Pit loses effectiveness over time for the living, but works on corpses that has been decomposing for months?

With enough painkillers we could love every scene.

Agree with most of your points, especially not trusting that Dark and Sinister Force in the Universe known as the Show Writers. The show started to slide off the rails for me when Laurel hid Sara's death from dad for no good reason and Ra's changed his mind/plots/motives faster than most people change their underwear.

A- ? Which show are you watching and where can we find it?

They could be so much more effective if they adopted, you know, firearms.

Watching Barrowman is great, but in no way compensates my Torchwood withdrawal.

Solid D. And I feel bad having to say that.

Or sniper rifle. Either, or.

I don't know how many times this season I shouted at someone to just SHOOT already. I get Arrow has this "arrow" thing, but no one else does. The League of Assassins should use guns. What kind of assassins don't use guns?

I have a love/hate relationship with the flashbacks. On one hand they make little sense plot wise. On the other I always enjoyed Taitsu and Maseo's characters.


Agents of SHIELD is a better written show. That may not be a popular opinion around here, but whatever problems it has does not compare to the flustercluck of melodrama Arrow has become.

I always got the idea Nanda Parbet was somewhere vaguely around Tibet. But now I'm thinking near Denver, Colorado.

Good point. Um, to raise Arrow ratings?

Character growth is fine. Reducing her character to a human hosepipe isn't.

Remember to speak long enough to give the heroes time to escape and/or be rescued.

OMG, that would have worked. And no one in the Assassin's guild can challenge him because, NO ONE challenges the Ras.
Sigh. What could have been.