
"They do not deserve you Diana."

You'd get nothing but beeps from the mail robot. That thing is the strongest mother fer out there.

he only mixes with other portable electronics.

or we could have jughead read it to mick and get his color commentary.

man she gets the 2 for 1 sale on the Jennings men.

That's my guess too.

wrong love triangle with Henry, the mail robot and the fbi polygraph

I'm totally shipping FBI Lie Detector and the mail robot.

God, why didn't Liz backhand Tuan instead of Paige? Or better yet, smash the tv and vcr. The nerve of that punk.

same. i use that or a classic simpsons to make me smile after Hulu

They weren't alone. hoepfully he gets a jennings special next episode, regardless of what happens to Pasha.

As someone else mentioned, it would have been better if they appealed to Savitar's humanity and he chooses imprisonment in the speed force as penance over death.

Mail Robot can take that beating and then give twice more than it can receive.

who else thought/wanted Elizabeth to beat Tuan with that phone?

Next week is going to be so insane. The only person I know is going to make it is the mail robot. :(

Agreed, take out the bookends of the movie and you have a solid spy flick. I always have a big smile when Bond kicks that car off the cliff.

"Keeping the British end up, sir."

Family Guy NEVER consults with the shows they parody.

Everyone has to check out the @fbimailrobot twitter feed now. Much needed laughs after this dour, but excellent, episode.