
Boy, that had to be the most tense 15 min of TV this year. Emmy submission for sure. Hopefully Emmy win.

Could not stop thinking about that sex scene without thinking about nintendo switch ads.

the darkest of all universes! Would have been best if he said ooo Discovery?

Barry is a DBZ fan?! and Thank you Iris, explaining that show to a newbie would have taken 3 seasons.

I hope the mail robot gave them something nice from the registry.

That's good.

you just broke my heart with number 5. Damn it Steranko. :(

The more I hear from him in interviews the more respect I give. Here's to a new class of blockbuster directing!

upset that it wasn't a dark version of Nate. :( now THAT would have been a twist.

Came here to post it. No one kicks our Mail Robot in a corner.

"Would you like fries with that?" "Yes, please." Fastest shipping in tv history. :)

Nope they've had some after the death

It definitely had too many characters to follow, but I did like it as an ending to the second act of the overall expanse arc. Also that ending was pretty fun to read.

Heads up book fans. Daniel Abraham said book 7 is slated for the end of the year and a new novela will be out before that! https://twitter.com/Abraham…

agent saves the day on his shoulder. Go Brooklyn!

I'm guessing she's working with the CIA and investigating him after he shut down their Oleg connection.

raises hand. She's doing what any of us would do if we found out our parents were this mucked up.

Welcome back Mail Robot. Beep Beep.

I was more at, wow the Douche Holden rises, but it paid off by the end of the episode.