
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. I enjoyed the first Ghost Rider, but I almost walked out on the second one. Unfortunately, that movie was the first time I had seen Idris Elba, and now anytime I see him in anything else, I think of that movie. That movie ruined Idris Elba for me!

Yes! My favorites are for Cowboy Bebop and Welcome to the NHK.

It'll never be Royals

Has anyone mentioned Your Name being snubbed for best animated film yet? If not, I'll be that guy. The guy you really wish would shut up about Your Name being snubbed for best animated film.

Now that someone like Donald Trump is a major party candidate, this episode seems a lot more realistic, doesn't it?

On that note, I want a Bass Reeves movie!

Also, Anno, the guy who made Evangelion, directed the new Godzilla movie.

I heard somewhere that you can avoid Aka Manto by saying you don't want anything. I'm not sure if it's true or not.

When I was little, I wanted to grow up to look like Shaggy. It took many years of not exercising, but that goal has finally been acheived.

Perfume is also releasing a new album this month. You know, if you're into J-pop.

One of my favorite intros is from a Japanese show called "Welcome to the NHK". It's got some snazzy transitions and a snazzy song to go along with it.

I listened to Mass of the Fermenting Dregs, and I like them too. I haven't heard of those other bands. I'll have to check them out.

While we're on the topic of Japanese music, I just want to say that The Pillows are awesome! A really great rock band. And, uh, yeah, I just wanted to say that…

Very well. You win. I concede all my hopes and dreams, retaining only my boundless fears for personal comfort. I am Esau, the Unblessed One.

That's a good point. That's why I suggested Edgar Wright since he's had experience adapting from a different medium for Scott Pilgrim.

The time has come for a Kill la Kill live action movie! KLK had many (let's just say) problematic parts in it. A live action version would be a chance to correct those less savory parts and just focus on the over-the-top action and humor. I could see Lucy Lui as Ragyo, and Edgar Wright would be the perfect choice for