Ernesto Lacuna

Erik Adams, what exactly do you think an ancestor is?

It's a knife AND a spoon! It's the Cutco Spatula Spreader!

"…doesn’t quite have the cache of starring in a film franchise."

"sctord" o_o

Illicit groans are the best groans.

I can almost see the cartoon moth fluttering out, leaving a looping trail of dashed lines.

Knock it off, Taso Lagos.

All I remember about 1989-1991 is what I read in Spy magazine. Did this show up in Party Poop, or was it in Roy Blount's crossword puzzle?

All those movies playing at once would give me a headache.

The Sith are…one of a few groups of people who deal in definites!

"As a duly and properly enrolled member of the Future Adults of America, one might think this television program beneath me…yet its whimsy is quite enjoyable. We should take this up at the next meeting, Peter."

Nope. It's for ages 1-29 and 31+. Sorry.

Jephthah. A man is only as good as his word.

Because he loves Star Trek, and also because his mother was in charge of casting the film.

So how does that work out for your acting career - is it precognition or time travel?

An Al.

Obtuse? Son, you're forgetting yourself.