
Business Guido?

"Only 3.75 inches?"
"You'll feel me."

It does. I wish we could see the clones 'acting' in a commercial.
'Roomba, Roomba.'
Alison: watches dubiously as Roomba cleans latest murder site: 'I Robot.'
Helena: cautiously picks up Roomba, shakes it, gets hair tangled in it. Hurls it across room, picks it up and cuddles it when it approaches her again: 'I Robot.'

Rocket Fuel Malt Liquor DAMN!

I once had a such a bad coughing fit after eating Flamin' Hot Cheetos that I threw up. FYI: Flamin' Hot Cheetos are excruciating when they're in your nasal passages.

Gypsy… is it an odor?

That was Tom!

He's crazy…crazy for accusing his parents…

They varnished my house!

If there was one prop I wish I could have from the show, it would be that mobile they made to help analyze the reason for Jimmy's constant need to tell ELABORATE lies.

Shut up, Iris.

He's landed just short of the green…

Eye on the sammich!

This had me cracking up- is anything more satisfying than a just vendetta? It sucks to have one cut short by an accidental politeness. The other person has to apologize or suffer in kind.
Never watch the British version of The Office, Bonney. It's a great show, but the cringe factor is MUCH worse than the American

'How much can you throw through a woodchipper?' Priceless.

That'd be the definition of sleepy!
If some weirdly attractive villainess doesn't try to drug Dwayne so that he'll become her love slave, this just won't be a 'real' Hercules movie in my eyes.

"By this time, my son's lungs were aching for air."

Secret agent….

Two words, Hercules: french doors.

That's the same reason I still have one. I dread the day that those cassettes become too old and distorted to view.