Captain Allerman

I'm not being ironic when I accuse you of being elitist or having delusio of grandeur, nor were those my exact words, so there's no need for the awkward quotation marks. And you clearly DO view yourself as special, and not in the short bus sense that others here regard you as being. You repeatedly take the stance of

Yes, because it's your effetely affected persona that's risible, not the confused arguments you're attempting to make. Your prose is clumsy and graceless and you lack any trace of joy or self-deprecating humor.

Then why are you expressing yourself with the mincing pomposity and humorless moral certainty of a nineteen-year-old coffee shop hipster? Whether or not you actually have an all-black wardrobe, your phosphor homunculus appears to.

How old are you?

"I'm a pretty humble guy. In fact, I am so much that I am fairly Nihilistic.

People who genuinely don't care about stuff don't waste time telling others about the depth of their not caring.

I have an old friend, a self-professed liberal who loves Michelle Obama and plans to vote for Hillary, who's become increasingly bitter and truculent on the subject of false rape accusations, especially since his wife threw him out after he lost his job of seventeen years. He's always grumbling about what he

Quoting Huxley is funnier than quoting Rand, I'll give him that.

I don't watch DEXTER or SONS OF ANARCHY or THE VIEW, but I don't whine about how much they suck.

Anyone anywhere on the political spectrum who uses "fascist" or "Nazi" for anyone who's not self-identified as such is a twat who deserves to be punched in the taint.

Humorless stridency, check. Delusions of grandeur, check. Smug elitism, check. Claims to be privy to Revealed Truth that those silly masses are blind to, check. Hilariously dated citation of pompous middle-brow philosophy, check.

Cue Inigo's famous line here.

More channeling of Jack Kirby's promiscuous quotation marks, but the goofy charm of the King's NEW GODS dialogue is replaced with stick-assed coffeeshop poseur pretentiousness.

Yet here you are, waving your puny t-rex arms in impotent fury over something you don't watch.

French, you say? Clearly, rather than rudely mocking you like an unsophisticated swine, I should buy you a nice aperitif and offer you a box of liqueur-filled chocolates as a way of securing your companionship for the evening.

You may be genetically male, but I'm dubious on the claim to manhood. An iron-thewed steely-eyed True Man has plenty of valuable and rewarding things he could be doing with his time, from knocking over a fat jack rabbit with a sling improvised from a handkerchief and ball bearing and cooking it with cracked salt and

"The way you paraphrased his statement, which was cleverly inserted into
the article, was extremely exaggerated on a nonexistent mindset."

You seem woefully unaware of the inherent risibility in conflating a satirist mocking Hannity's maladroit pronouncements with mocking the situation he was pontificating about. Like any other celebrity entertainer, including Colbert himself (something Colbert would be the first to acknowledge, and has), Innanity is

Many of his ilk are devout Non-Sequiturians.

Bonafide men are capable of many things, including seizing a truculent shirt lifter like yourself by his sweaty pink earlobe, marching him smartly to the loo, and rifling his pocket change while giving him a well-deserved swirly.