Captain Allerman

"But I would argue Jenkins’ film has its own share of Steve Trevor problems."

When Emily lived across the street from me, her feisty little black cat was always noisily beating up Simon, my upstairs neighbor's larger but skittish tuxedo cat, out on the front porch.

Is that the anthology where Wolf lopped off the lovely final paragraph of Le Fanu's "Carmella," so that it ended with the bloody staking scenes rather than ". . . and often from a reverie I have started, fancying I heard the light step of Carmilla at the drawing-room door"?

This has the stink of someone parroting Received Truth. If you're out to persuade this crowd, rather than just trumpet your virtue, you need to present a more engaging personality.

Also note the clunky pomposity with which they express themselves, the stock phrases and rhetorical boilerplate.

You Only Live Twice. Showed Blofeld as more than a voice and a cat-petting hand for the first time. Introduced ninjas to America.

No. I bounced off the book after a chapter or two, although I've enjoyed many of the author's short stories, and came to this with only a vague idea of what it's about. It seems perfectly coherent to me — sure, plenty remains unexplained, but that's clearly by design, and I find the fact that some people are confused

Which of those previous WW2 movies other than Cap's featured superheroes, exactly? Diana can't leave the war before it's over, because if she gets frozen, banished to the Phantom Zone, or timewarped to the present, it becomes too much Mars to Captain America: The First Avenger's Ares.

No. Cap was retconned in the 60s as having been frozen before he could crush the Third Reich. Diana doesn't have that excuse for not killing Hitler.

The answer, or rather answers, seems fairly evident to me,

I met another novelist who claimed to have known Harris years ago. He said that he was really pissed about being "forced" to write HANNIBAL. Allegedly, he'd already planned, researched and begun writing a third Lector novel that did NOT feature Clarice Starling. Instead, he introduced a third protagonist, with the

Yeah, there was certainly a racist element in the casting of Ricardo Montalban in SAYONARA, particularly since Brando's and Red Buttons' love interests are actually Japanese, whereas Brando's southern belle ex ends up with a Latino in yellowface. But neither the writing nor Montalban's performance is racist, and due

A fair point, although Islam was often viewed sympathetically by adventure writers of the 20s and 30s. Then there was the whole Arabian Nights film genre that encompassed everything from THE THIEF OF BAGHDAD to KISMET to THE SEVENTH VOYAGE OF SINBAD. The "Arabian" heroes were played by white guys, but they prayed to

Yeah, Alan Moore's attempting to make Bulldog Drummond seem James Bond's moral superior is risible. Even cranky reactionary Kingsley Amis found Drummond to be a racist fascist scumbag.

True, although Howard's racism was hardly as virulent as Lovecraft's. He could write stories about manly white Southerners putting down black uprisings and portray Africans as bestial savages, then turn around and write other stories in which they were sympathetic and human. Solomon Kane saved African villagers from

Actually, a film based on Chan's inspiration, the Honolulu cop Chang Apata, would be interesting. He was a tough scar-faced former cowboy who carried a bullwhip. Once, when raiding a brothel, he was thrown out a third story window. Like Jackie Chan, he picked himself up, went back upstairs, and threw the pimp and

The books were racist, of course, but Rohmer's Fu and his daughter were usually more sympathetic figures than their film equivalents. Even before he became the semi-heroic Enemy of Communism in the last books, Fu was courteous and honorable and had a sense of fair play. He congratulated his white enemies when they

Yet he was a wryer, more nuanced, and interesting Richelieu than Vincent Price, Tim Curry, Christoph Waltz or Peter Capaldi. Admittedly, he had a better script and direction, but he rose to the occasion.

I prefer THE BAND WAGON, which also has Levant, and is imho the greatest musical ever made. And besides being audacious, hilarious and sexy, the Girl Hunt Ballet is a great skewering of Kelly's pretensions.

I realize that you realize yours is a minority opinion, and suspect that you suspect it's one of several that will weigh down your lonely trudge to your unremembered grave, but in the faint hope that you may come to your senses while you live, may you never express this blasphemy to me when there's a rapier in my hand