
Ok. Is is JUST me or should the D.C./US reaction to this be more amped?! The US political machine was blown up! What is happening with the $$? World markets? This is not ordinary business as usual shit, people. Yet Keifer et all are talking about him not being aware of the "next election cycle" Like 1k people didn't

Alicia Keyes as is actress made me lose the feeling in my legs.
"Skye Summers" is a horrible name. Sounds like a douche product from the 80s.

If Scandal were a comedy, I could take it. However, after watching this episode, I am done, done, DONE. Why?
1. Rowan. Again. No more, no way.
2. The Three Pointless Amigos: Huck, Abby, Quinn, oh and Harrison Redux Dude
3. Fitz's constantly constipated expression. Is he happy? Horny? In pain? WHAT?!
4. Sally "I'm Insane

You see it as "snide". Interesting.

"My titty ball fell out"? Oh God. That laugh felt as good as an orgasm.

Brilliant. "A reasonable chub"?? OMG. She deserves an Emmy.

The sight of Lea Delaria in her undies nearly undid me. I want my eyesight back.

Capheus is extraordinary.

Spoiler alert: He is hung like a horse. Shows up a Kala's wedding…NAKED.

Wrote this earlier but it bears repeating:
Lito and Hernando!!. JESUS. H. Christ. Smoking hot. Who said gay love stories won't sizzle like the usual blah, blah, blah hetero-romance? Whew. I'm a woman (who is sexually "open minded" , to be sure) and I deeply get the love and chemistry between these two characters.

Hang in there. It's worth it.

I should add that I have watched all 12 episodes and have based my comment on seeing how the characters have climaxed…wink, wink.

Lito and Hernando!!. JESUS. H. Christ. Smoking hot. Who said gay love stories won't sizzle like the usual blah, blah, blah hetero-romance? Whew. I'm a woman (who is sexually "open minded" , to be sure) and I deeply get the love and chemistry between these two characters. Horay! It's a new day!

Just binged watch all 12 episodes. This show is amazing. Beautiful. Wonderful. Thrilling.

Really, Shonda? This is the season finale?? This show needs to take a bullet to the head! Speaking of that, if nothing else happens next season (which I really don't give a tinker's damn about) HUCK MUST BE SILENCED. ELIMINATED.
Oh and don't even THINK about bring Jake back.

Suck episode loved the version of Que Sera Sera!



Okay. Gotta ask this:
Is it just me or does Lamond Bishop's son look like Harry Potter? I mean Daniel Radcliffe and that kid were clearly separated at birth.

"I put the baby in her!"