
So he's an asshole in real life, too.

Damn, you're like the Energizer Bunny of stupidity. You just keep coming back with more dumb things to say. Again, I *work* in this field. I know what I'm talking about. You don't get million dollar mortgages on any home without putting up sizable cash down payments. But when dealing with homes in disrepair like

I'm angry? I'm the one defending a man who is supposedly innocent until proven otherwise. You ugly, vindictive souls are trying to burn him at the stake before he's even had a chance to tell his side of the story. It's you who needs to take a good look in the mirror. Let me let you in on a little secret: I've

And just how are you fairly sure about that? I can tell you for a fact that these networks don't find inexperienced flippers to take on massive projects like these. They offer TV deals to people who already have the skills and experience. This guy has been doing these flips for years now. And that takes money.

And you're obviously not familiar with the concept of reading comprehension. I didn't say the guy HAD millions of dollars, I said he HAS millions of dollars. HINT: You're not buying million dollar homes and pumping in hundreds of thousands of dollars for renovations if you're broke. He still HAS money, you clown.

I don't buy it. I bet there's something more we don't know yet. The guy has millions of dollars and a TV show. He hardly fits the profile of a person who'd steal someone's furniture. Now, if you told me some hourly employee on his flipping crew borrowed the company truck after hours, stole some stuff, then passed