
I've always been attracted to Paulie G. I love big beefy guys like Lance Barber. He was also on an episode of Gilmore Girls (as Logan's friend who runs an online magazine, for which Rory writes a scathing article), and The Big Bang Theory (as Leonard's high-school bully).

I would love it if HBO made this a regular thing too. It's so much better than Web Therapy, which is still running concurrently on Showtime. I tried warming up to Web Therapy back in 2011, but I just couldn't stay with it in the long run.

Most people are too stupid to appreciate the subtle genius of The Comeback. That's why it was cancelled in the first place. Which is a horrible testament to the intellect of the average American television viewer.

I love Jane, but her treatment of her Oscar statuette is unconscionable! Using it as a doorstop?? That reminds me of when Rosie O'Donnell said that she let her kids paint her Emmys! No no no!!!

I was so turned on by the end that I wanted to blow Seth Rogen!

I didn't recognize Rose Abdoo at all! She looks so different from the frumpy-looking Gypsy the Mechanic she played on Gilmore Girls!!

Well, thanks to AT&T U-verse offering a free premium-channel Thanksgiving weekend, I FINALLY got to see the first 3 episodes of season 2 of "The Comeback" and I have to say it's AWESOME!!! So great to see Valerie, Mickey, Jane, and yes, even Paulie G again. My Thanksgiving is now complete!!!

I'll meet you there Kirk. I'll bring the cream pie!

Thanks Kirk! Are you anywhere near Chicago?!

She did the same thing in Season 1 when they drove to Palm Springs for the weekend. Val said "Mary J. Bilge." Then Jane corrected her, saying "I think it's 'Blige'." And Val responded, pointing to the CD, "You're wrong, it's 'Blige'." Which is what Jane said, but Val made it sound like Jane was wrong, even though

"Valium. In the convenient economy size."

Thanks matt! (Who's Whovian though?)

I wanna tongue-punch Dell's fartbox.

I had HBO back in 2005 when The Comeback originally aired, but thanks to the economy now I can't afford it nowadays. It kills me that I can't watch Season 2. :(

Maybe I'll give it a try. But I want my Clarice Starling. Is she on the show?

Deacon from The King of Queens!

Maybe Cary has hepatitis?

Maybe Dylan will never be inducted into the family business, like A.J. on The Sopranos. Tony never meant for A.J. to work with him, and he never explicitly told either of his kids what kind of work he really did.

Thanks John.

There was, is, and ever will be only one Hannibal Lecter to me: Anthony Hopkins. That's why I can't watch the Hannibal tv show. I know, I know, I'm being short-sighted. As for the finest acting I'll ever see on television, that distinction for me goes to The Sopranos.