
I remember this kind of shit back when The Sopranos was on. If no one got whacked, it was a "boring" episode no matter what happened. Shit, I remember people talking about that great season 6 episode Soprano Home Movies and the office cooler talk was "Hurr durr that episode was so boring until Bobby beat the shit out

Man, I love that series. I was sitting next to a dude on the subway-he was reading Wolf Hall, I was reading A Feast for Crows. He told me I should read Wolf Hall when I was through with ASOIAF. And now I like Wolf Hall better.

(Spoilers, if you consider promos spoilers) I'm excited to see the Jimmy/Saul and Mike relationship develop. Apparently next week Jimmy helps Mike in some sort of pickle that involves his Philly days. Looks good.

Heh. Who knows if he even did a competent job. Although from what we've seen, her shit didn't seem terribly complex. Not like he was writing Mitt Romney's will.

When everything is going to shit in my life, I think of Pacino's wide-eyed expressions in that movie.

Eh, I get the argument-giving a statue to an actor elevates the movie itself. But in some ways I think pulling a great performance out of a half-baked script (as Nolan's tend to be, in my opinion) is just as impressive as (if not more than) a great performance in a great movie.

I guess in New Mexico it's standard practice to arrest a lawyer when a client in custody asks for him?

Wow, hey there fancypants(fancyskirt?). Not sure I would call myself dapper-I'm more the uniform type-I know what works, and I wear the same one or two things all the time. But it works.

Fascinating stuff, exactly why I read these comments. Where does your knowledge come from? Do you know of any good books on this stuff?

Right. You can definitely get away with a lot more these days (like in the Mad Men era and for some time before, anything but a white dress shirt would raise an eyebrow-but you see that slowly change on the show), But me, my father, and my grandfather before him could've lived professionally on nothing but white

I don't disagree with that. I stay away from the skinny lapels, and I don't like too tapered a look. Even in the 90s though I hated the swimming in the suit type of look.

I'm looking at old photos, and awful, boxy suits seemed to be the norm until at least the early 2000s. Did tailors go on strike for a decade or something? Look at old photos of Clinton when he was president and try not to gag.

Good point. I'll take a well-tailored shirt (or pants, or suit, whatever) in an unflattering color/pattern over the opposite any day. But I'm not sure this is practical for most people.

I'm not even talking about Savile Row or a Brioni or anything here, god knows I can't afford that stuff. Just a step up from a Mens' Wearhouse type of suit, on sale of course.

Yeah, I don't wear a suit unless I have to (not because they're uncomfortable, contrary to popular and wrong opinion, just too high maintenance for every day wear for me).

Until the mid-90s? At least until the early 2000s. Looking back on the 90s, it's like we killed all the tailors in the world. I mean, seriously, why was everything so fucking boxy and baggy?

A well-tailored, high-quality suit can be very comfortable. I'd still rather wear jeans and a t-shirt, but I am very comfortable in a good suit.