
He deserves it for getting caught in the woods twice in a row.

110 pound woman in heels throwing around a 200 pound person?? I believe in equality, but I also believe in reality.

The entire capital was destroyed. Your framework for reality has no basis in this fictional world.

Sorry these logical arguments bother you so much.

Cherry picking examples is just confirmation bias at work. You're just looking for evidence that supports the conclusion you want, and that's not how rational people make conclusions.

That's how the free market works, dear. You don't like a product don't use it.

You are attacking Shea for no good reason. I'm just pointing out how ridiculous and illogical your attack is.

It's sad that you think buying power has anything to do with this disgusting overreaction from just one commercial. It's time people like you started thinking rationally about this. Then maybe your arguments might start to make more sense. #logic

Your Harley Davidson example is interesting, because it suggests you think one example sets the rule in business. Why don't you bring up Yamaha motorcycles? They make Sportbikes AND Harley style motorcycles. And they started in Piano making!

If i'm the reason you're not buying from Shea, then you're just insane.

"So if you make a commercial about hair products that don't feature
black hair, your product is not for black hair. That is the long and
short of it."

It's called an IP Address. lol

When people don't know how to make or defend their ideas, they try to point to other things. You're just showing the world how intellectually weak and insecure you are.

Uhh….I'm making the attack, so obviously i'm not factoring in anything. You're not making sense right now. Just reacting emotionally without reading.

Now i'm the reason why you shouldn't buy from Shea?? LMAO. Look at how you just manufacture reasons in your head to hate Shea. This is insane.

What does "sounding white" mean? You're just exposing how hateful you truly are. I feel sorry you. People like that never find happiness.

If you're going to blindly attack a company, then you don't get to complain if someone criticizes your ignorance. That's just hypocrisy.

So you can't explain why. I figured.

Anyone can say something is stupid. If you can't explain why, then you're just basically a 5 year old hurling insults. Adults don't pay attention to that.

People are interpreting one commercial as being "abandoned". That's the problem. And no, most people aren't factoring anything else into the equation. Let's be honest.