
I can't believe Jennifer Lopez got out in this show. All she did was shake her ass and sing for dictators in eastern european countries.

HAHAHA I thought that too! I was thinking "Shit they seem to care a LOT about spirituality and stuff but what about trees?"

I can't explain why but just really liked it. I suppose some will hate it! It's good, it'll make the comment section interesting as long as everyone sticks to the fact!

I feel your pain. As a horror/vampire/werewolf fan I have seen countless movies and series and about 98% of them are filled with idiots and seemingly normal,rational people making the dumbest decisions. The cab driver was insanely stupid and annoying. It's really frustrating and insulting to the viewers.

The WWII stuff is just so overdone I can barely look at it anymore. Maybe because I'm from the western world but whenver there is any WWII image with violin in the background, although I understand the tragedy I now just feel annoyed. It's like emotional overdraw. We get it, that dude is a BAD PERSON. He is a nazi.