Prince Humperdinck

They work there?

If Jesus appeared, and turned your table's individual portions of breadsticks into unendless servings of…

Spaghetti Warehouse! Woohoo!

Breadstick-stuffing sauce, on the breadsticks in the breadstick sandwich, that you can dip other breadsticks in.

"This Game of Thrones/Breaking Bad mashup is rather violent"

Damn. I only missed this 12 year desert by 16 hours.


Oh My God! They talk back!

Because he was in his cell. Christ.

Ask your doctor if the blue lips are right for you.

Thank you! Come again!

We don't use that word around these parts no more; the preferred term is "big swinging white heteronormative cisgendered genitalia"

So, what you're saying is: once you go black, you don't go back?

The A.V. Club
the way someone who never actually had sex would write about sex.

What did pedrobates say?
What did pedrobates SAY?
WHAT DID pedrobates SAY?

Piiigs iiiin Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!

Buck Murdock on Alpha-Beta Base

How could you get the tab if you hadn't ordered anything yet?

Mant! Half Man, Half… Ant!

You like staches?