
This episode was hilarious. For me, Trophy Wife on ABC and Cougar Town on TBS are really forming quite the comedy block. But darn it Les, you have to trudge up memories of another cancelled ABC comedy? Just imagine if we could get Cougar Town, Trophy Wife, AND Happy Endings to air together.

This is easily one of the best comedies on TV right now. I hope it at least gets some awards buzz to console us for its inevitable cancellation.

It was worth it for Diane saying "Oh, and I thought you were known for giving porno cakes to kids"

Wow has this show come a long way from the earlier episodes. I'm really glad I was patient enough to give Mom time to grow. It would have been my loss otherwise.

The finale here absolutely wrecked me. After this episode I spent the entire night just listening to the Rose/Tennant Doomsday theme on repeat.

S1 - The Wedding
S2 - The Bedding (yes, this takes a whole season)
S3 - The Deading, the show becomes a murder-mystery

Pretty funny episode, Watson got some great lines as usual. Pertwee was great as Lestrade.

I lost it at the "I don't care which cock I'm holding" line. Her closing line was also great: "So now what? …We own chickens, don't we?"

Pam Grier isn't doing anything at the moment. I would love to see her partner with Carrie Preston or Kristin Bauer.

Not sure if this was addressed last season or not, but what are Philip and Martha's living arrangements? He clearly doesn't stay there every night, but he must be there enough that his kids would notice that he's gone from his real home, right? That's a whole lot of "business trips" for both sides.

This was pretty great for an episode that didn't have Dalia or Sheila. I loved all the Dallas/Tessa scenes.

"Don't slow down! If she's supposed to make it, she will!"

Episode was fine for a filler procedural. Nothing special without Root or any recurring guest stars. But wow, I really hope that newbie detective isn't Fusco's new partner. You can't replace Carter!

So does this mean Christy doesn't get HBO?

It also says a lot that I'm more invested in the recurring guest cast than I am in half of the regular cast (I'm looking at you, Snow, as well as Charming, Henry, and Neal).

So is Sarah Bolger still in this? She isn't on the cast list for the show's website. Either way, I'll be glad to have more Aurora on OUAT. Along with Intelligence, now we just need Believe to fail (which, come on, it's NBC so of course it will) so that Aurora, Red, and Mulan can return.

While a lot of people criticize Anna's rape storyline this season (yes, Mr. Bates does suck), I do like how it brought us a lot of Anna/Mary/Mrs. Hughes interactions. IMO they're three of the stronger characters, and seeing them plot, investigate, lie, and share together was a delight. Mrs. Hughes in particular got

More like I still haven't finished House of Cards.

Crap, all my shows are back and I haven't marathoned all the other things I wanted to watch during the Olympics.

The tag was hilarious. "Snowball is never going to forgive me". Even Tom's cat probably abuses his friendship.