Matt matt

John Hammond was in essence , Steven Spielbergs friend : George Lucas. George Lucas had an incredible amount of money to make films….and if left to his own devices make horrible HORRIBLE HORRIBLE films…like phantom menace, attack of the clones, and revenge of the sith….and other abysmal films. George is a tragedy of

better? of course not…this article is drivel. Jurassic Park is superior to the film version of "Lost World" in every single category:
Visual FX
Action choreography and direction

The main reason Paul Feig is blaming "sexists" for the disatisfaction in his plagiarist movie is that his butt is going to be handed to him when it flops, so Paul Feig is a politician deflecting and creating a problem using the hegelian dialectic tactic to create a problem externally and control the outcome

there is a female fan who rips the remake trailer to shreds. its not a particular "type" of fan that despises the remake…its everybody

Latino fan of the original Ghostbusters right here…..the new trailer is aweful,generic, and yes stereotypes a black woman. The sjw movement and Paul Feig are slimey , and attempting to defend the hypocrisy as well as their aweful remake. It has nothing to do with female actresses, it has everything to do with