Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and kill someone once in a while, you could miss it. - Ferris Bueller
Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and kill someone once in a while, you could miss it. - Ferris Bueller
I thought the first 45 minutes were a snoozefest, but everything with Negan had me holding my breath. JDM was really great, though I don't want to lose a main cast member. I really like all of them. :( At least the horse lived! #HorseLivesMatterOrSomethingClever
Netflix emailed me to say "Kelley, we just added a TV show you might like" and that show was this. I was super offended, despite Sam Elliot.
What @Saramis:disqus said is probably why they were still there, but I'd like to think Dwight has a little clubhouse built in one of those trees and he hangs out there whittling little figures to play with.
I've actually really enjoyed the season — and didn't hate Lori, Andrea, or the farm storyline! — and am typically very easy on the show. This episode just had too many people making ridiculously boneheaded decisions. These people would've died as soon as the zombie apocalypse hit.
Carol left because she doesn't want to kill anymore? Really? Half the group leaves to find two people when there's an imminent threat moving in? Really? Daryl's supposed to be a master tracker and he missed all those Saviors? REALLY?
I always feel very alone in my giant Bob Odenkirk crush. I'm guessing it's because I've never actually mentioned it to anyone — but that's just a guess. You get me, ThrillHo.
Goddamn it, you beat me to it before I realized it. And I was only 12 hours too late!
I hope TWD is able to nab Joel McHale for an episode next season so he and Andrew Lincoln can give an epic conjoined speech before McHale's killed in a surprising manner.
I'm only about 12 minutes in (commercials piss me off/this isn't a big "spoiler" show) and so haven't read the review yet. That said, if Bobby O sang a song to me, I'd probably go running to him posthaste. Kim has more restraint than I. All to say: I'm kinda dense and wanted to see the grade. It currently being an A…
Grabbed my notebook and added one for Cobin!
His dramatic exit was only from Rosita to Sasha. Basically, he's really lucky Sasha said "Come in."
~*~Kelley's Random Thoughts~*~ (These are all so stupid, short, and unconnected that the asterisk/tilde seems appropriate.)
I'm really smrt.
Sounds fancy!
Chris Pratt was in talks for this once upon a time, right? I'd take Andy Dwyer over these jabronis* any day.
It makes a lot of sense that he may or may not be related to Dee and Dennis Reynolds.
Xfinity doesn't include Pop with my recently purchased package. Time to give them a piece of my mind.
He's a good kid!