
As long as it gets rid of Kirk Cameron's equally-crazy religion-nut sister Candice's horrible show, I'm all for letting Tom & Crow decide on future Netflix programming.

Aww… I actually like that show. :(

That's freaking adorable! And dang, P-Stew looks to still be in great shape at 76 years young. I wonder if he & Harrison Ford have the same personal trainer or something?

Wow, Glamour must be /really/ desperate for attention to pull something like this.

Wait… MTV is still a thing? I mean, I remember when it first came on the air, when they played the full "Thriller" video over and over for 24 hours straight, when they started Headbanger's Ball… and then they introduced "The Real World", and everything went downhill from there. It really is too bad that MTV has

Kill it with FIRE!!!

IMO, method actors are hacks. I have absolutely no doubt that Sir Olivier meant exactly what he said when he told Hoffman "Why don't you try acting? It's much easier."

Oh that was just wrong. Delightfully wrong! :)

Weak. totally weak. Once again DC proves that they just can't keep up with the times.

Jonah Ray? Seriously? The guy is about as funny as an unwashed jock-strap.

"…sad-sacks, evil geniuses, and Karl Rove."

"The aliens won’t turn out to be lizard people who just want to eat humans, unless Syfy makes some drastic changes to the book."

That show is still on? It jumped the shark what, like at least 10 years ago?