
lol kinda true but I wouldn't credit that to "the left" it's iterally a fringe of a fringe group I'd call the "Tublrinas"

"Complicit" by Ivanka Trump

Ignore him, the guy's being an ass.

lol and beyond the idiocy, these bozos think THEY'RE the real patriots by basically holding up a middle finger to the majority of the people that make up the country, all while worshipping the douchebags at the top who outsource all of the American jobs and avoid paying taxes.

You're out of your mind, they were insufferable, and Klaus was the absolute worst - his fake accent made me want to punch him.

First 3.5 seasons of Vampire Diaries >>> all of The Originals.

LOL you're missing the point of the right-winger's free market: Money = EVERYTHING. If you writer a book about kicking babies and people want to buy it, they will fucking publish that book! The fact is they don't WANT to make a stand because the only thing they stand for is cash!

I always tell people that he's the only straight guy - truly straight, who wishes he was gay.

Reviewer doesn't know what they're talking about and is being self-contradictory.

What, that Batman is essentially a right-wing fascist wet dream? An "individual" using his "personal wealth" to instill his ideals through physical force, holding an entire city hostage to his wealth and power both physical, monetary, and psychological? All within the fantastical echo-chamber of an infinite-resourced

For those of us who've read all of Batman, Chuck Dixon wrote during the most conservative period in Batman's 75+ year history. He beat up poor, petty criminals, believed they were inherently evil, not just desperate, flawed humans, and Dixon goes so far as to spend multiple issues making fun of a psychologist for

I was so fascinated by the socialist Vile Village community when I was a kid so I'm excited to see how they do it!

One of the themes of the books is that well-meaning adults are often just as unintentionally dangerous as "bad" adults are intentionally.

I thought the EXACT same thing! Interestingly enough, I LOVE the Wide Window as my favorite of the first 3rd of the series of books, but it was my least favorite episode pairing. Miserable Mill was the most forgettable book but the BEST episode pairings with the most depth, best humor, most poignant moments, and best