
This is misleading—the map is actually measuring popularity of artists *compared to their relative popularity elsewhere*. So it's not "most popular" in a vacuum, it's (in the case of Oregon for example) "these people are listening to Kurt Vile way more than anyone else is listening to Kurt Vile."

Elliott Gould was also in an episode of the 80's Twilight Zone reboot called "The Misfortune Cookie."

How can you make a list of interesting Barney Miller detectives and leave Dietrich off? C'mon.

Nobody's spoken for Seattle yet? Ok then…

My only problem w/ continued Bob-Jimmy P peeing races is that we all know JP likes to dress up as Baby Num-Nums and get spanked by transvestite prostitutes. No amount of "BOBSUX"ing is going to change that. Game, set, match, Bob.

Yeah, and unfortunately A Fridge Too Far was a Simpsons joke.Simpsons did it!

I adore that movie but I don't interpret the ending as unambiguously happy. My feeling is that we're at least partly supposed to imagine that at one time Hakan was Oskar, and just got too old to be useful anymore.

Surprised eXistenZ wasn't in the list. The Matrix for that matter.