
Haha, dying: "In fact, she hasn't been a person since then,"

Pooh knows.

Haha, "Jam Packed Ovaries" is the new 40!

That was one seamless performance.

I can't see Don and Peggy together, but what about Dick and Peggy? And while I ship Stan and Peggy, I think she'll end up with no one for now and be just fine.

I liked the parallel between Megan saying she wanted to go away somewhere that was not LA or NYC, where it was just the two of them with none of the distractions / trappings, and Peggy's idea of essentially the "third place" that is not home or office, where anyone can sit at a clean well lighted place and be family -

Meh, you can't predict what people will do, you can't judge what's in people's hearts by their bank account/clothes/social circle, and there are plenty of people waiting for the right circumstance/opportunity to let their freak flag fly.

I saw "The Audience" with Helen Mirren, taped live at the West End in London and replayed at local movie theatres. It was a fast three hours (!) focusing on the weekly 30 minute Tuesday meetings Queen Elizabeth II has had with each of the Prime Ministers during her reign — providing insight into her relationships with

Thank you for the opportunity to confess that I spent some time on YouTube watching/listening to The Raspberries. Verdict: Live versions dirtier and better than recorded tracks. Watched Sweet Charity 1/3 of the way through but decided it was a downer, and I'm too colored by Sachi Parker's tell all to fully enjoy Ms.