Jack C

The AV Club

>So unnatractive it's unbelievable.


The villain wants to make everyone equal.

Plus of course he speaks fluent Arabic.

But I think that's the point. The problem is way bigger than can be solved with some Hot Cheetos and Takis.

WARNING: That link is very spoilery. Do not read if you have not finished the series.

Amy's unceasing tirade walking through that diner ranks as one of the top strings of profanity this show has done, and that's a high bar.

Also they breed quickly and don't take up a lot of space.

Is @PatriotDogScores taken yet? Or @WeRateDogplorables? @MAGADogGrades? I could do this all day.

The actors playing her parents are so consistently great. Even the little scene at the end of this episode was fantastic.

One would hope.

Come to Europe, go to Nordsee (a German fast food chain specializing in breaded fish sandwiches), and be forever ruined.

Celebrity cameos are for network sitcoms during sweeps. "Prestige" TV should avoid these cheap gimmicks.

>-Octavia and Illian is just weird. I'm obviously biased because I loved
Lincoln. But even without that bias, the set-up for this has been very
minimal to non-existent.-Octavia and Illian is just weird. I'm obviously biased because I loved
Lincoln. But even without that bias, the set-up for this has been very

And even if you convince them to buy your shit, in 10 years they'll be dead and you'll need to convince a whole new generation to buy your shit.

Howard Hamlin from Better Call Saul, for one.

Sorry, best we can do is a barista — sorry, former barista — who travels through time and space.

Heck, I feel dirty just for reading it.