Janet James

More than anything this episode showed how superfluous Scott and Kira are to the show, the episode could have been done just fine without them. Stiles and Lydia are the stars and Scottie dog, who angsts over killing bad guys had no qualms at all about leaving Stiles and Lydia to die. Bring back Derek!

Their not very successful they've 'terminated' every one of them!

Not as old as Kira and Malia.

Most of the 'teenagers' are mid to late twenties. Kira is 29, Malia is 28, Sott and Stiles 24 and Lydia 27, they loook far too old for the parts they're playing!

It is for this lot!

I doubt even Dylan O cares!

No sweetheart, that's the rubbish writing in this show.

Ahhh but what abs!!

Well face it honey he has to give some muscle to Scott's Scooby Doo pack!

Davis has nothing new to offer and the lack of character development and throw away characters is nothing new for this show. No wonder it has a astronomically high cast turn over. NINE since the show started SIX in the last two years. Malia/Stiles is thinly veiled Xander/Anya from Buffy and it was noticable how much

Stiles has more chemistry with his baseball bat than with Malia! And no, I ship no-ne from this show.

Pleas God someone makes a rug out of the coyote!

Here, here NINE actors have left been written out in four seasons SIX in the last two years. Jackson, Boyd, Erica, Cora, Allison, Isaac, Ethan, Aiden, Danny. Way to run a show into the ground JD! Treat your characters and actors like S***!

Sadly Danny has been dropped from the show

Basically Malia is a female Derek designed to derail STEREK which is idiotic because STEREK is fandom and not canon and never will be. They tried with Cora but the actress left the show. Malia is basically an abusive stalker. Stiles complained she kept climbing in through his bedroom window and then showed Scott

Derek moved to the loft because the county demolished the house, seems they didn't clean up after themselves.

That sure doesn't look like high school Derek in the pic! Thank God.