
Someone's pitching that right…now.

I've seen it proposed that the chicken who crossed the road didn't make it across the street, and instead had his crossing terminated by a car, (or horse and buggy?) and therefore made it to the 'other side' in an entirely different sense.

He is completely wrong for the part.

I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but JGL doesn't work for me as Morpheus at all.

Money is money. Open assignments are open assignments. I'm sure they were happy to have the work, and spent the months or years in between jobs perfecting their dream project.

Joining in with an emphatic "yes!" about Timothy Dalton.

Taking on the Coming of the Apocalypse right off the bat was never going to be
sustainable for Sleepy Hollow. As David Milch used to say, once you've blown up the world, what else is there? In this case, once you've defeated the apocalypse, what else is there?

The minute Crane suggested that he go interview the kid on his own, it was all ick factor for me. In this day and age, anyone in law enforcement would have flagged that as potentially problematic, but there was no explainer scene to justify a allowing a stranger to interview a child without supervision. Not only was

I assume he's mixing it in with the sausage meat as part of the perfect crime; which will either destroy him, or turn him into a soulless psychopath.

This cast is killing me. Seriously, I'm dead from how much I love this cast.

I didn't know about that, but still, it's not like he's had much to do either season. I mean, he only spoke two words last season. I'd be looking for another job,too.

Red-shirting Semebene was a really lazy choice.

But why is the minority character also a minor character? For me, that's the shortsightedness right there.

His role is to offer sage wisdom and save the white (main) characters from themselves. And employ his magical arts in the service of his white associates. We finally got one small morsel of his story, and now it seems he's gone.

>The main reason I'm hoping that Sembene doesn't die, besides the fact
>that he rules, is that it's such a cliche for the only black character
>to die sacrificing himself for the hero.


Yes, that's what I thought too, that it juxtaposed Don's real life happiness against a commercialized version of happiness—because we know Don Draper did not come up with that real life ad, and saying he did seems a little bit of a cop out to me.

I went to school with both of them. They are totally nice guys. But, seriously? Writer's can't do anything for you. Have you never heard the one about the Polish actress?

I kept waiting for Hawley to reveal he was a Warehouse Agent.

What if it's Julian? I feel like they don't know what to do with him now that his relationship with Alec is pretty much resolved, but maybe it's this.