Well… anytime I white Christian guy shoots people (not too rare an occurence) the left blogosphere does kind of climb all over itself to point thone facts out.
Well… anytime I white Christian guy shoots people (not too rare an occurence) the left blogosphere does kind of climb all over itself to point thone facts out.
Eh there are plenty of mildly conservative people who say Radical Islamic Terror or whatever who ain't going to vote for Trump when all is said and done. He's about to fuck over the Republican party with great vigor.
Can I make one fucking post with out a typo! JUST FUCKING ONR!
Voters demand to be pondered to. It's the bedrock of politics. It is politics.
When did this "song of the summer" stuff start. Inot my day songs were uncoupled to seasons and we liked it!
And if you've ever seen Jersey Shore, you know se were right to look down on them back then.
That was probably the least funny epsilon they've done. Not totally horrible but weak. The broadness of the lesbian jokes, the obviousness of the plots points, the inanity of a 29 poiny swing in one day because of an NRA ad. It was pretty weak. I did like Mike taking up smoking though.
A year or 2 ago the world was fundamentally less violent than it had been at any other time in history. That's probably still true. Horrible things happen but the trend is in a completely different direction.
He's lucky that he's not Literally on a sex offender registry.
Neural, phhf. Sub atomic Quark transference is much better. Also vinyl.
I don't even own a movies.
They did a really good job in the season that the chump from Coupling showed up in as a mysterious, layered bad ass. I sort of stopped watching after that because I didn't have time for it any more, but that was a really good season.
Man, his sweat must smell like HGH.
I think they pretty heavily reworked the character to match the actor. Ron started out with about three characteristic, libertarian, in a suit, fearful of his boss. They dropped the last two and added in, stoicism, food, drink, etc.
Every other civilized country doesn't have single payer. Many have better health systems than we do, but it isn't single payer.
If you believe that Sanders would actually out perform Clinton against Trump, I have a slightly used bridge to sell you. Clinton has treated him with kid gloves and he's faces hardly any scrutiny. From what I've seen of him, and I've been famliar with Sanders for awhile, I don't think he'd do too well. He'even…
Or Lyndon La Rouche! Catch the fever!
Blighted? This election has actually been cool as hell. The Republican side has been something you couldn't even write. It's like some 1960's Henry Fonda movie about the rise of a facist. Anyway, Clinton is going to lay waste to him in the first real ass kicking a Democrat has some since Johnson. I love it.
I don't actually think satire is the right word. They just focused in on the pettiness and banality that most people think is at the heart of politics. Up until the election results and some of the stuff this season, it was pretty realistic. More so than House of Cards, for example.