
Yes….in real life that would be the case…but there is precedent for putting away a governor of Illinois.

“Alicia and Lucca travel to Toronto to represent NSA Agent Jeff Delinger (Zach Woods) who was detained by customs officers while attempting to re-enter the United States. Also, Diane grows concerned when her husband, Kurt McVeigh (Gary Cole), decides to retire and sell his business to Holly Westfall (Megan Hilty), a

Or maybe JM's direction?

He is good friends with the actress who played Kalinda….need I say more?

Excellent comments about a show well past its prime.

Great insight

Like when Kalinfda left.

Most appealing character left n the show

Alicia….I don't know you anymore :)

Just shows the contempt the producers etc. have for their viewers.

Couldn't agree more…really disrespectful of the fans as was the treatment of the Alicia/Kalinda relationship.

It's no longer "The Good Wife"

Overdue to end.

Really bad writing…thank goodness the show is ending.

My hope is that Alicia goes to prison in the last episode….that would be satisfying for a character I have come to loathe…or is it the actress?

It is all about Julianna and don't you forget it….(see what happened to our favorite PI).

What goes around…

She did!